Tracy Beanz on The Kyle Seraphin Show: V-Safe COVID Data and More @TracyBeanz @UncoverDC @KyleSeraphin #thesuspendables #vsafedata
What is the one thing you have ABSOLUTE control over - SNAP or otherwise? YOU have the power to decide what you eat.
Tracy Beanz: Not all beef tallow is the same! Keep your eyes peeled when you eat at fast food restaurants. Check out the “With Beanz” podcast to learn how to TRULY be healthy, M-W-F at 2PM ET on all major streaming/podcast platforms”
It was a great one today, with some spooky esoteric talk in the beginning about human consciousness and lucid dreaming, and then on to the cringe fest that is the Democrat party. We talked food, culture, and dancing today with Frank—don't miss this one!!
The movie:
The Oscars by Bateman:
Arianna Grande:
The left:
🚨I have had a really insane month/schedule lately. Due to conflicts, I need to take the rest of the week from podcast land to regain my bearings. Please stay tuned here, though. We are working hard to MAHA and I’ll have updates!
We Are Stardust @tracybeanz @ChelleWards @TheHighWire