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Live Streamed on June 7, 2023 7:45 AM ET
Wednesday Pre-Show Prep Stream!

Join Beanz for a very busy Wednesday Pre-Show Prep!!!

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Tracy Beanz on Joe Pags Show: Why Are They Attacking Whole Foods?

Tracy Beanz on Joe Pags Show: Why Are They Attacking Whole Foods? https://www.uncoverdc.com/2024/04/26/tracy-beanz-on-joe-pags-show-why-are-they-attacking-whole-foods @TracyBeanz @UncoverDC @JoeTalkShow

Hey @tracybeanz you repeated a popular but false claim about the “observer effect” saying particles behave differently when a human observes them. This is not true at all. I use the gateway method, I use binaural beats — I’m not a hater trying to debunk, I’m a geek trying to correct what I know is an innocent mistake made by a lot of non-geeks. Have a great day!


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